Individual Health & Dental Plans
Several insurers offer Individual Health plans and we can help you find the best fit for your budget.
We have access to providers that have on-line applications.
Click here for a Health & Dental quote from Manulife for either FlexCare or FollowMe!
Is your employer sponsoring the Manulife Association plan? Click here for a quote!
Self-employed business people, companies with one or two employees, contactors, part-time workers, franchisees, retirees and anyone without an Insured Health and Dental plan can have a benefit plan tailored to their needs and budget. Several insurers offer Individual Health plans and we can help you find the best fit for your budget.
Some plans are designed as single or family coverage, others have structured the cost by each individual and dependent priced separately by age. The plan can include Prescription Drugs, Semi-private Hospital, Paramedical Practitioners, Vision Care, Dental Care. Some insurers offer a Disability Plan (Income Replacement) and Life Insurance as part of the package.
Employers who have employees that are not eligible for a traditional-style benefit plan or organizations that have constituents/members that might be interested in benefits, can also design a plan. The Association plan would be suitable for an alumni group, franchisors (to offer to franchisees), a part-time employee group, contractors, distributors, independent salespeople or a situation where the employer wants to offer a flexible plan structure where each employee can pick their level of coverage.
An individual plan may be the best solution for a small business.
Concerned about your retirees but don’t want the expense of a Retiree Group Health plan?
You can offer an Individual plan with limited or no financial contribution.
Individual Health plans are available with No Medical Underwriting for those individuals that are leaving your workplace!
Greenshields Zone and Link plans offer great value!
Click below to check out the plans Greenshield (GSC) has to offer. You can compare up to 3 plans in a side by side comparison by ticking the check box.
Link Plans are for people that have recently left an employer or retired and do not want to complete a Health questionnaire. As long as you have recently left an group plan you can apply for Link without a Health questionnaire and current health conditions and medication will be covered up to the maximums specified in the plan.
Zone is a really good value plan for anyone.
The plans under Zone with a red cross require you to answer a health questionnaire. Just like with most Individual Health plans, any current medical conditions and medication will be excluded from coverage but the plans without the red cross do not require a Health questionnaire. These plans do not have a termination age! And you get 30 days of Travel insurance under the plan. Any trips longer than 30 days at a time will require you to top up for the extra time away.